Topic: Marketing Channels
Date: Dec 27, 2009Time: 6:30-9:50pm
Classroom: TR 510
6:30-7:00pm Case Study
Payless ShoeSource: Paying Less for Fashion
Each team has 5 minutes to present your findings and answers
7:00-9:00pm Lecture
9:00-9:30pm Case Study
Questions for Discussion
- Define Whole Foods's product. How does it deliver value to customers?
- Many chains have begun offering and expanding their selection of organics. Does this pose a competitive threat to Whole Foods?
- What challenges will the company face in the future as it continues to grow and expand?
- While Wholes Foods has clearly positioned itself away from pricing issues, can it avoid this element of the marketing mix forever? Why or why not?
Each team prepare 5 minutes presentation to answering above questions.